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[VHFcontesting] Differences between TX and MI

To: <vhfcontesting@contesting.com>
Subject: [VHFcontesting] Differences between TX and MI
From: Mark_Hoffman@boces.monroe.edu (Mark_Hoffman@boces.monroe.edu)
Date: Thu Jun 19 16:43:48 2003

You mentioned in one of your posts that there's not much of a difference
between TX and MI - au contraire.

In Texas, single-hop takes you to both coasts. Albeit, W1 and W7 are likely
double-hop, but you still reach W4 and W6, where it seems there's a
tremendous gathering of 6m activity. From MI (and WNY, for that matter) -
single hop distances take us perhaps as far as western W0, W5, W4 and VE1.
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