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Re: [TowerTalk] How to clamp Phillystan HPTG 1200I guy cable?

To: "[TowerTalk]" <>
Subject: Re: [TowerTalk] How to clamp Phillystan HPTG 1200I guy cable?
From: JVarney <>
Date: Wed, 25 Sep 2024 13:28:45 -0700
List-post: <>
Dick- K9OM >> Looking for advise on how to terminate
>> Phillystran HPTG 1200I small diameter
>> 3/32" guy cable for maximum strength?

Six years ago I installed stainless duplex rope clips with
a thimble on 65-ft Rohn 25
and have had zero problems, no slippage, no breakage.

The duplex clips work better for the simple reason the pressure plate
and shell have a much larger contact area with the rope than the U-clips
do, without the excessive crushing that you're trying to avoid.

73 Jim K6OK

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