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Re: [TowerTalk] 80M Delta Loop

Subject: Re: [TowerTalk] 80M Delta Loop
From: "Jim Lux" <>
Date: Fri, 26 Jul 2024 17:49:59 -0400
List-post: <>

And, from an antenna pattern standpoint, the dielectric constant (which is 
highly moisture content dependent) is important.  I’d venture that changing 
epsilon from 4 to 16 has a much bigger effect than sigma from 1 to 5.
 You can probably work out a “lossy-ness” effect for near field too, that sort 
of combines skin depth, resistivity, and permittivity against frequency.

On Fri, 26 Jul 2024 09:14:58 -0600, Mike Fatchett W0MU <> wrote:

That map is interesting.  Unless I read the map wrong the higher the
number the better?  I always thought our ground conductivity out here in
the plains of Colorado was poor.  At our house we have about 2ft of clay
and then sand.


On 7/26/2024 8:42 AM, Brian Beezley wrote:
> There's a problem with using the FCC conductivity map to rank HF
> conductivities that I overlooked: skin depth is much smaller at HF.
> Soil with different conductivity may come into play at broadcast
> frequencies. This can invalidate a conductivity ranking applied to HF.
> The following table extrapolates 1 MHz permittivity and conductivity
> for ARRL average ground to HF using the Messier soil model.
> Conductivity is in mS/m and SD is skin depth in feet.
>  MHz  Perm Cond   SD
>  1.0  13.0  5.0  25.1
>  1.8   9.9  5.2  18.8
>  3.7   7.2  5.6  13.1
>  7.1   5.5  6.1   9.4
> 14.2   4.1  6.9   6.6
> 21.2   3.6  7.4   5.5
> 28.5   3.2  7.9   4.7
> For most bands there's quite an opportunity for soil variation to
> change HF conductivity by making deeper soil invisible to RF.
> I think it's best to ignore the FCC map for HF questions.
> Examples of ground constant variation with depth:
> Ground constant extrapolator:
> Skin depth calculator:
> Brian
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