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Re: [TowerTalk] New 9 circle PCB with CMCs

To: "" <>, "" <>
Subject: Re: [TowerTalk] New 9 circle PCB with CMCs
From: "tony.kaz--- via TowerTalk" <>
Date: Wed, 2 Feb 2022 02:51:46 +0000 (UTC)
List-post: <>
Steve,Thanks for the video and all the work you put into this. The video did a 
good job and explanation.
If someone would be ordering boards would you be so kind to order one for me? 
Maybe PI4CC will be doing that? Getting boards made is an area I am very weak. 
I am sure there are others who would like to get boards.I will be needing a 
board to make up another 3-el vertical. The original works fine E/W. I will be 
putting up a 3-el N/S. I don't have the room to make a circle of verticals. I 
have the present system along a property line. Will do the same for the next 
3-el.73,N2TK, Tony

-----Original Message-----
From: VE6WZ_Steve <>
To: tower and HF Antenna Construction Topics. <>
Sent: Tue, Feb 1, 2022 11:19 am
Subject: [TowerTalk] New 9 circle PCB with CMCs

Today I uploaded a YouTube video describing my new 9 circle combiner board PCB 
design that has small Murata SMD CMCs on each RG-6 feedline.

I include PCB file links to download in both KiCad format or a zipped Gerber 
folder if you want to build your own.  A BOM and an image of the schematic is 
included as well.
This is the 9-circle array that was designed by John W1FV.

I review why we need these CMCs, I talk about these small Murata chokes and 
some VNA tests I did and how these same units can be used as Magic-T’s.
The new design also has a pin-out for the vcc and relay control lines, has the 
option for gas discharge tubes on the vcc and control lines, and the board has 
a slightly larger footprint than my previous designs so its its easier to 
access the F-connecters for field installation.

The evaluation is still on-going at VE6WZ, but the board tested very well in 
the shop with the VNA, and I used it this weekend for the CQWW 160m test and it 
performed well.

I know there are many that don’t like to watch a video, and I may build a PDF 
document, but in my prior life, all I did was make technical/ scientific 
documents and I’d rather not do that anymore.
It’s much easier to say things quickly in a video.  If a picture is worth a 
1,000 words, then a video is worth a million. <>

73, de steve ve6wz

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