I have recently completed building a YCCC 9 Circle array, and it seems to work
quite nicely. This replaces a receive 4 square using top loaded elements - I
could never get that to last as animals would break one or more of the top
loading wires mistuning the array.
The instructions for the YCCC array are explicit that there must be common mode
chokes between each element and the combiner unit. That is obviously a good
idea, but I can't understand why they suggest putting them at the combiner unit
end of the feed lines to each element, and my feeling is that they should be at
the element ends. (The elements have a very poor ground, and the feed lines are
significantly long. Surely that means that the high impedance of a common mode
choke at the combiner will be transformed to a different and probably lower
impedance at the element. The effect of that could be that the feed line
becomes the main and unpredictable ground for the element, and different for
each element, which I think is exactly what is not required.)
Comments would be appreciated.
73 Roger
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