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Re: [TowerTalk] Calculating Forces for Tilting tower

Subject: Re: [TowerTalk] Calculating Forces for Tilting tower
From: Mac <>
Date: Fri, 31 May 2019 18:50:29 -0500
List-post: <>
Oh this background info will be such a big help and so much easier to help explain to your insurance agent when this calamity happens.
Sorta like all the ad's we see for State Farm Insurance on TV in the 
evenings..  Be sure to get you're wife to video this and then after the 
excitement dies down we will be able to watch it on You Tube as often as 
it takes ..
Best of luck !  mac/mc w5mc

On 5/29/2019 9:05 AM, Dave Tipton wrote:
If I understand what you are saying, roughly (40x4)+(4x50) = 360 lbs

That is actually less than I anticipated.

Your concern about the wall, is however a shared one.  Thinking an internal guy 
running along a roof truss might be in order.


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On May 29, 2019, at 8:55 AM, wrote:

The tower will have its mass concentrated at the 20' level, and the 50 lbs 'at 
the top' will have its mass concentrated at the 40'+ level.
if the 'hinge' is at ground level and your winch is at the 10' level, the total 
force of those two loads will be:
2x the tower load PLUS
4x the 'top' load.
that's quite a bit for the position of the winch .. AND .. if the winch is 
connected to the garage, it just might pull the garage wall down.

Quoting Dave Tipton <>:

I have a 40 foot Rohn 25, with a tilt base section.   It will be  sitting next 
to a detached framed (not block) garage with siding.

I can attach a winch to an extra guy bracket I have at the ten foot level.

There will be roughly 50 lbs at the top of the tower.  (Rotator, Hex  Beam, GP3)

How much is the maximum force required to raise this from a cable at  the 10 
foot level?

Dave, W5DMT

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