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[TowerTalk] Crank-Up Tower - Located Next to Shack - RFI Issues?

To: Towertalk <>
Subject: [TowerTalk] Crank-Up Tower - Located Next to Shack - RFI Issues?
From: Richard Thorne <>
Date: Sun, 24 Jun 2018 13:08:15 -0500
List-post: <>
I have an opportunity to have a crank up tower installed.  A local buddy has a hycro-vac rig to dig my hole.  The advantages to hydro-vac is an accurate hole and the dirt is hauled off.
I already have two guyed towers up.  This crank up will be my retirement 
tower (ie won't have to climb).  For now it will be a useful 3rd tower 
for 6 meters and maybe a decent size 12m/17m antenna.
The best location to put it is about 25' from my steel building 
shop/shack.  This location keeps the feed line relatively short and will 
allow me to tilt the tower over as intended.
For those of you with a tower near your shack do you have any RFI issues 
or noise issues?  If you did were you able to solve them.
This tower will be properly grounded and tied to the shop/shack ground 
Thanks in advance.

Rich - N5ZC

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