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Re: [TowerTalk] S21 to Rp & Cp - Equivalent Circuit

Subject: Re: [TowerTalk] S21 to Rp & Cp - Equivalent Circuit
From: jimlux <>
Date: Fri, 12 Jan 2018 06:24:43 -0800
List-post: <>
On 1/12/18 5:47 AM, Steve Hunt wrote:
I thought Maximo was trying to derive R and X from S21 measurements, not S11 measurements - at least that's what his Subject line suggests.
Steve G3TXQ

I'd have to go back and look - maybe that's the hiccup
I'm still curious about the Excel/Octave variance though.

working in Octave (free version of Matlab), which is a bit easier than Excel
>> s11mag = -29.6
s11mag = -29.600
>> s11ph = -77.1
s11ph = -77.100
>> gamma = 10^(s11mag/20)
gamma =  0.033113
>> gamma = gamma*complex(cos(s11ph/180*pi),sin(s11ph/180*pi))
gamma =  0.0073925 - 0.0322774i
>> z = 50* ( 1+gamma)/(1-gamma)
z =  50.6383 -  3.2725i

This is the series form, and close to 50 ohms, as expected (a return loss of 30dB is a good match)
Convert to parallel form

>> rs = real(z)
rs =  50.638
>> xs = imag(z)
xs = -3.2725
>> comterm = (rs/xs+xs/rs)
comterm = -15.538
>> rp=xs*comterm
rp =  50.850
>> xp = rs*comterm
xp = -786.84

Which matches *neither* of the other versions.

And using a different way to convert series to parallel
>> Q = xs/rs
Q = -0.064626

>> xp = xs*(Q^2+1)/Q^2
xp = -786.84
>> rp=rs/(Q^2+1)
rp =  50.428

Slightly different R - maybe it's a numerical precision thing Q^2 is small


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