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[TowerTalk] Yagi mechancical- part 2

To: <>
Subject: [TowerTalk] Yagi mechancical- part 2
From: "Jim Thomson" <>
Date: Thu, 30 Mar 2017 12:51:19 -0700
List-post: <">>
Folks have emailed me asking abt where on the dx site the software is.    Enter 
 ..  yagi mechanical on their search eng. 
They have a few versions of it , like CD rom.    I downloaded their FREE  trial 
version, good for 2 weeks, then again for another 
2 weeks, after which I had to buy it.   So sent em the order, and in under an 
hour, they e-mailed me the key code.   Plugged the key code in,
and bam, my dead trial version then became the full blown version.    Its just 
a unique  Icon on the laptop.   I dont have to re-enter the key code each time
either, just click on the icon, and its up and running.  I also just discovered 
that I can bring up several  yagi mechanicals, same as bringing up and running
several calculators at once.  That comes in handy as with 2-6 yagi mechanicals  
running at once,  I can toggle between em.    You can also label each
ele or boom or ant, and call it whatever you want, like 20M, 20M-2, 20M REF,  
20M experimental etc, etc.   Then save the entire mess, for  each of the
yagi mechanicals u have brought up. 

By downloading the free trial version, then having them send me the key via  
e-mail,  I saved a bunch not having to pay to ship a CD rom,  which was very 
shipping to western canada, was almost as expensive as the $39.95  for the 
software itself.   Besides, I was in a rush, and needed it asap.  This may well 
come in handy
for folks on the other side of the planet, or anywhere outside the lower 48 .   

Jim   VE7RF

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