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Re: [TowerTalk] Antenna launcher found

Subject: Re: [TowerTalk] Antenna launcher found
From: Grant Saviers <>
Date: Wed, 15 Feb 2017 07:34:07 -0800
List-post: <">>
I second Jim's recommendation.

After building a CSV19 and helping some club members string wires, 3 more were purchased and I put one of them together. The Kevlar super fine and strong line on the large bow fishing reel works super. All who have tried it swear off using a spinning fishing reel. Accuracy is terrific - pick the branch to go over. I also find that not much compensation is needed for wind, the ball tracks well even with the line blowing off line.
A neat accessory is the Ryobi 18v One+ battery powered air inflator, $20 
at Home Depot.  I already have a number of the Ryobi 18v tools and 
batteries so that part cost was zero.  It takes a minute or so to 
pressurize to 60psi which is enough for 100+ ft of toss. Everything fits 
in a Rubbermaid 14 gallon tote box
Handle this very carefully, as the weighted tennis ball could do serious 
Grant KZ1W

On 2/14/2017 18:22 PM, Jim Brown wrote:
Here's the original designer/seller of this type of launcher.

He's been selling them for at least ten years. Several guys around here own one of them, and they work VERY well. When I moved to W6 in 2006, K2RD brought his over to help me hang a dipole between a couple of my redwood trees. His first shot cleared the tallest redwood on my property by at least 10 ft. The tree is at least 175 ft tall.
73, Jim K9YC

On Tue,2/14/2017 5:22 PM, Dave Thompson wrote:
I found that the Ebay user ID is youratticonline. I aked why the release valve was not turning and hopefully they will give me the answer.
Use the Ebay user ID and there is a picture of the launcher. Only 
thing I did wrong is the Jebco reel should be below the release valve 
switch. The top part is the shoot barrel.
Dave K4JRB

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