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Re: [TowerTalk] Loosening Al tubing to Al Tubing

Subject: Re: [TowerTalk] Loosening Al tubing to Al Tubing
From: "Roger (K8RI) on TT" <>
Date: Mon, 13 Jun 2016 18:40:33 -0400
List-post: <">>
Agreed. I should have said, thoroughly coat the tubing. Myself, I don't worry about the excess if the tubing is clamped tight, or in my case, riveted. F12 uses three rivets in a row. I believe they now use two rows at 90 degrees. That last rivet close to the end seriously weakens the inner tube when you are down to 5/16ths, or 3/8ths However, excess Noalox can act as a lubricant if the tubes are not clamped tight. I'd not use a rag to wipe off the excess though as a dry rag is likely to remove too much. Like many things, there is a learning curve to leave the proper amount.

Roger (K8RI)

On 6/13/2016 Monday 9:12 AM, John / K4WJ wrote:
Roger, I vaguely remember someone posting on this reflector that when using Noalox that after applying it you should run a rag over the area to remove most of the bulk and just leave behind a very thin layer of Noalox or Penetrox. Why do you say "Use lots of Noalox when reassembling?" John/K4WJ

On 6/12/2016 2:03 PM, Roger (K8RI) on TT wrote:
After the usual wait, PB Blaster, or Mouse Milk loosen the corrosion and provide a lubricant. Metal fragments, depend on size. Over time, they tend to corrode faster than the tubing, My C19XR uses a row of 3 rivets with one quite close to the end, but the factory holes have been deburred. Disassembly just requires carefully drilling out the head without drilling into the tube. They are 1/8th" rivets, so a sharp, 1/4 inch drill works well at removing the heads, A small drill, or drift punch easily pushes the shank into the tube, leaving a clean hole. Fine Scotchbright pads will shine up the outside of the inner tube and a small wire brush for cleaning tubes that size usually works well. _Use lots of Noalox when reassembling. __
The scratches may, or may not be a problem depending on the depth. Deep scratches tend to have ridges along the edges. Just smooth off the ridges along the scratches. before reassembly.

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