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Re: [TowerTalk] Vertical Antennas near salt-water

Subject: Re: [TowerTalk] Vertical Antennas near salt-water
From: Jim Brown <>
Date: Thu, 4 Feb 2016 16:31:02 -0800
List-post: <">>
On Thu,2/4/2016 12:48 PM, Wayne Kline wrote:
ONES who swear by them  and ONES who swear AT them
It helps if you actually take the time to study and learn how verticals 
There are two tutorials on my website that address exactly that. One 
focuses on 160M, the other asks (and answers) the question, "If I Can 
Mount My HF Vertical On My Roof, Should I?"
As to the "near salt water" question -- two excellent engineers who have 
studied these issues and built antennas at the water line or on the 
beach and done real science with them are George Wallner, AA7JV and Tom 
Schiller, N6BT.  George is best known for half dozen or so expeditions 
to light up rare islands, and putting out a great signal everywhere he 
goes. Tom was the designer of the original Force 12 antennas and the 
prime mover in Team Vertical, a small group of contesters that has made 
a lot of noise with verticals on or near the beach. I would urge anyone 
who really cares about this sort of operation to study their work very 
carefully. Google is your friend.
The short answer is that the earth (including water) affects verticals 
in two ways: 1) Something under the antenna must serve as a return for 
antenna fields and current. The earth is lossy, so it burns TX power. 
This is why we need radials -- they serve to shield the field from the 
lossy earth, and to provide a low loss path return for fields and 
current. 2) the earth in the far field reflects direct radiation from 
the antenna, and the sum of direct and reflected waves in the far field 
forms the vertical pattern. BOTH of these mechanisms are important, both 
must be satisfied. Even on a beach, radials are VERY important.
If an antenna is OVER sea water, the water can serve as that return for 
current and field IF we make a good connection to it. That's why W6OAT, 
NI6T, and I were able to reliably work KC2IOV on 40M SSB from the South 
Indian Ocean with her 100W marine radio loading the backstay of her sail 
boat as she circumnavigated the earth. She coupled to the water with a 
big metal plate in the water right under the antenna.
73, Jim K9YC

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