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Re: [TowerTalk] Barker & Williamson Model AC - 1.8 - 30 Antenna

Subject: Re: [TowerTalk] Barker & Williamson Model AC - 1.8 - 30 Antenna
From: Herbert Schoenbohm <>
Date: Wed, 6 Jan 2016 20:17:53 -0400
List-post: <">>
Gotham back then sure made a lot of money selling a couple pieces of aluminum tubing and a taped coil. Ironically, even will a few radials and less than 20% efficiency users were able to work some DX on 80 meters. Whatever was left to radiate was at a low angle and sure a lot better than the B&W wire with a resistor to ground on the end. Actually compared to an inverted V at 50 feet on 80 the Gotham vertical might have beat it on DX every time.

Herb, KV4FZ

On 1/6/2016 6:34 PM, Larry Banks wrote:
Boxbe <> This message is eligible for Automatic Cleanup! ( Add cleanup rule <> | More info <> In 1962, as newly minted novice KN1VFX, I purchased a Gotham V80. The ad said it was the best thing to work the world on 80M CW, and radials were not "required."
You can't beat physics!  I've learned a lot since...   (And I don't 
believe ads any more either.)
73 -- Larry -- W1DYJ

-----Original Message----- From: Herbert Schoenbohm
Sent: Tuesday, January 05, 2016 7:41
Subject: Re: [TowerTalk] Barker & Williamson Model AC - 1.8 - 30 Antenna

This B&W Antenna sort of reminds me of the infamous MaxCom antenna feed
which gave a VSWR of less that 2:1 from 1.8 to 30 Mhz sold for a while
in the 70's and 80's. After scamming thousands of hams with these claims
the ARRL lab put the potted matching unit into a X-ray device and
learned that it was nothing more that a series of toaster elements
across the feed point inside or a dummy load on the end of your coax
with some wire attached to it.  The B&W is sort of a throw back of the
TF2D military antenna which at least did a bit more radiating as a
folded dipole with a 600 ohms non inductive resistor in the center of
the top wire. Having said that most any end fed wire with a resistor to
ground at the far end makes for a quieter antenna on reception in many
cases. But again to market such a product without any clear indication
of what it really can do continues to be the way of many amateur antenna
devices sold to the unsuspecting.

Herb Schoenbohm, KV4FZ

On 1/5/2016 1:18 AM, Jim Brown wrote:
Boxbe <> This message is eligible for Automatic Cleanup! ( Add cleanup rule <> | More info <>
On Mon,1/4/2016 7:47 PM, wrote:
All I could find was a sketch so I'm not sure how it works.

From the sketch on the Universal Radio website, I analyze it as a loop, formed by the wire, the ground rods, and the earth. The clue is that they tell you to add a wire between the ends if you're putting it on a roof.
73, Jim K9YC

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