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Re: [TowerTalk] Drill motor

To: towertalk reflector <>
Subject: Re: [TowerTalk] Drill motor
From: Patrick Greenlee <>
Date: Sat, 22 Feb 2014 09:09:04 -0600
List-post: <">>
I have a Milwaukee Hole Shooter 3/8 corded reversible variable speed drill. It is over 30 years old and going strong. It has enough torque to hurt you if say using a hole saw or large bit and it jams. The drill does not stall. It will wrap you up in the cord making it very difficult to release the trigger and can hurt you. I have a Hole Hog (little brother to the drill touted for tower raising) and it is a powerful tool which can also hurt you if you jam a hole saw or large bit.
I do not have the model touted for tower raising (Super Hog) but it is 
reasonable to assume in the progression of  hole Shooter to Hole Hog to 
Super Hog that the torque capable of being produced escalates with 
increasing drill motor size.  I don't argue against using the Super Hog 
and would use one myself if the situation warranted it but...   be 
prepared, it is altogether likely you will not be able to hand hold it 
if the tower jams.  The torque will spike and if the chuck becomes 
stationary the drill motor itself will in fact rotate with or without 
your body parts clinging to it. These drills have provision for a second 
hand grip (removable) which you should use. You should think ahead in 
positioning your hands and your body so that if the tower should jam 
causingt the drill itself to rotate you won't be injured.  These tools 
are powerful and capable of doing you grievous harm if you are unwary.
If I were to employ a Super Hog as a tower raising tool (altogether 
reasonable possibility) I would design/build a mechanical bracing system 
to prevent the drill from rotating if the chuck was stopped by such as 
the tower jamming for some reason.
Milwaukee tools have served me well.  I don't know that all Milwaukee 
tools are high quality but all the ones I have are.  I have a Sawzall 
and the Hole Shooter that I have used a lot which are both over 30 years 
old now.  I replaced the power cord on the drill.  It is a twist lock 
connector that connects the cord to the drill and is trivial to change.  
My Hole Hog is only10 years old but I expect it to last.
Want a chuckle?  I traded a home built Heathkit H-8 computer and monitor 
to a tool store owner for the Sawzall, Hole Shooter, and a worm drive 
Skill saw around 1980-82.  All these tools are still working perfectly.  
The computer, if working, would at best be a historical curiosity.
Patrick NJ5G

On 2/21/2014 8:51 PM, Bryan Swadener wrote:
I may not be quite correct about the length of time but,
whatever it is, it ain't much. Because I'm using the Hy-Gain
HD300 rotator, the top section of the TX472 won't _QUITE_
crank all the way down.  IIRC, the tower is 28' tall when
nested.  The VERY heavy 15' L x 1/4" wall x 2" OD steel
mast protrudes out of the top of the tower approximately
11 feet, with my F-12 C-4XL just above the tower. I have
my Cushcraft AR10 adapted to fit the top of the mast,
adding another 16 feet.  Even with all that above the tower,
The Super Hawg doesn't flinch AT ALL. I necessarily need
to hang on, and make certain nothing is in the way because,
it's a monster!

vy 73,
Bryan WA7PRC
On Fri, 2/21/14, Mike NF4L wrote:

  Subject: Re: [TowerTalk] Drill motor
  To: Bryan WA7PRC
  Cc: towertalk reflector
  Date: Friday, February 21, 2014, 6:35 PM

  Bryan -

  That's fast! I have been trying to figure out how much
  hassle it would be to adapt the TRX80HD to the HyGain tower.
  If it's even possible.....


  On Feb 21, 2014, at 9:20 PM, Bryan WA7PRC

  > Hi Mike,
  > Mine does that, too... tilts up/down in about 30
  seconds or so.
  > I have US Tower's HD "raising fixture".
  > An additional benefit of using the Super Hawg is, I can
  also bore
  > holes... in just about ANYTHING.
  > vy 73,
  > Bryan WA7PRC
  > --------------------------------------------
  > On Fri, 2/21/14, Mike NF4L
  > Subject: Re: [TowerTalk] Drill motor
  > To: Bryan WA7PRC
  > Cc: towertalk reflector
  > Date: Friday, February 21, 2014, 6:15 PM
  > Thanks Bryan -
  > My application will be making the tower lie down and
  sit up,
  > so the load would be a bit different ..... maybe. I
  > to a local big name Milwaukee dealer here today. He
  > a Super Hawg was a Harley.
  > I'm looking at wheelchair motors also, and a Fulton
  > 73, Mike NF4L
  > On Feb 21, 2014, at 8:52 PM, Bryan WA7PRC
  > wrote:
  >> IIRC, my US Tower TX-472 + Force12 C-4XL goes
  > in
  >> a little over 30 seconds, using a Milwaukee Super
  > (pn
  >> 1680-20) that runs at 450rpm.  It pulls 13A
  > full load and
  >> should not be confused with the smaller Hole Hawg.
  >> tower uses Fulton K-2550 winches.
  >> The only issue with taking my tower up/down in 30
  > seconds is,
  >> I have several feedlines hanging off the tower,
  > with two
  >> wire antennas.  I HAVE TO stop periodically
  > order to keep
  >> things from tangling. So far, it runs stone cold.
  >> I found the Super Hawg as a factory refurbished
  unit on
  > eBay
  >> for a little over $200 shipped.
  >> vy 73,
  >> Bryan WA7PRC
  >> --------------------------------------------
  >> Date: Thu, 20 Feb 2014 12:04:40 -0500
  >> From: Roger K8RI
  >> Subject: Re: [TowerTalk] Drill motor
  >> On 2/20/2014 9:55 AM, Mike NF4L wrote:
  >>> I ran across the DeWalt DWD460 drill. It draws
  > amps,
  >> and has continuously variable speeds in 2 ranges( 0
  > and
  >> 0 1300 RPM). Seems like that would get away from
  >> overheating problem in the worm-gear winches.
  >> There are rating and there are ratings. Most drill
  > motors
  >> are rated for
  >> intermittent duty with short run times and long
  > cooling
  >> cycles.
  >> I purchased the largest Dewalt that Lowe's carries.

  >> Drilling 3/4" holes
  >> in 1/2" thick I-beam, I burned it up in less than
  > minutes
  >> and I had
  >> just purchased it.
  >> Drill motors for mixing as have been listed on here
  > be
  >> rated
  >> differently, or with a larger reserve/safety
  > than
  >> those for
  >> drilling holes.  IOW two motors rated at 13A
  > one
  >> for mixing and one
  >> for drilling may not have the same ability to raise
  >> tower.
  >> I've not found a correlation in the ratings.
  > From
  >> experience, I've
  >> found a drastic difference in ratings for drill
  > rated
  >> for long
  >> run times VS the typical short run times for
  >> holes.
  >> I'd limit my purchases to a motor rated for long
  > times
  >> such as mixing.
  >> Caveat Emptor
  >> 73
  >> Roger (K8RI)


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