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[TowerTalk] Wireless tower direction indicator?

Subject: [TowerTalk] Wireless tower direction indicator?
From: Jari Jussila <>
Date: Mon, 31 Jan 2011 10:44:32 +0200
List-post: <">>
I have a rotatable tower some 40m away from my ham shack. The old, 
faithful tower rotator was hit in lighting and the potentiometer 
telling the direction of my antennas was burned. The rotator being an 
old, industrial model, the factory told me that there's no such 
potentiometers available any more .......

Now ....

Does anybody know, if there are (commercial), potentiometerless 
wireless (tower) direction indicators available in the market?

1) With "potentiometerless" I mean, that the direction should come 
not from a potentiometer at the base of the tower but with some other 
means. Eg. a electronic compass at the end of a one meter stick 
assembled horizontally on one of the tower diagonals a couple of 
meters above the ground.

2) With "wireless" I mean, that the electronic compass - or whatever 
device - should transmit the direction by WLAN from the tower to the 
ham shack to a separate display to directly to a computer having WLAN.

I hope I could describe the need good enough. I'm looking for a easy 
plug-and-play-system, easy to assemble, easy to use and reliable. And 
getting rid of  some cables.

There's 230 volts available at the base of the tower.

Any ideas?

Jari, OH2BU


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