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[TowerTalk] shunt fed tower and dipole interaction

To: TowerTalk <>
Subject: [TowerTalk] shunt fed tower and dipole interaction
From: Gary Slagel <>
Date: Fri, 8 Oct 2010 06:44:24 -0700 (PDT)
List-post: <">>
Hi guys,
I've got a 51' tower with a tribander at about 56'.  I've also got a 40/80/160 
trap inv vee hanging at about 50' off the tower.  40 works reasonably well, 80 
just ok and 160 pretty much not at all at that height.  
I'm thinking of shunt feeding the tower for 80 and 160.  Am I going to get so 
much interaction between the loaded tower and the 80/160 dipole that its really 
not worth doing?  Or... since their vertical and horizontal polarized will the 
interaction not be much of an issue?  
Thanks for any opinions.

Gary Slagel/N0SXX
Hot Springs, SD


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