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Re: [TowerTalk] Which feedline to use

Subject: Re: [TowerTalk] Which feedline to use
From: "Roger (K8RI)" <>
Date: Wed, 08 Sep 2010 16:51:11 -0400
List-post: <">>
On 9/8/2010 8:11 AM, Doug Rehman wrote:
> I've been using LMR-400 with my crankup tower for about 5 years, including
> the rotor loop. I've got about 10 runs bundled into a large umbilical cord
> with the rotor cable, a heavy cable for the 24V tower lights, and a control
> cable. The tower is raised/lowered about once a month on average. The
> antennas have been used in contesting, including VHF/UHF, so they've seen a
> lot of rotation. The rotor loop is fairly large, sticking out from the tower
> about 2'. LMR-400 is stiff enough, especially when multiple runs are
> bundled, that the rotor loop doesn't hang. So far, no problems.

Very few put in a 2' diameter expansion/rotator loop, but such does work 
just fine. LMR-400 and LMR-600 have a tough enough jacket than they tend 
to be slippery as well.  I use 3 turns of 18" diameter loops laying on 
top of my 45G.

Properly done with enough allowed to make the bends and with proper 
support at those bends for a crank up they will work, but it takes 
plenty of support to keep the coax from bending excessively at those 


Roger (K8RI)
> Doug
> K4AC
> (Running for ARRL Southeastern Division Director- please check out my
> website at and my campaign blog at
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: [mailto:towertalk-
>>] On Behalf Of Dan Bookwalter
>> Sent: Tuesday, September 07, 2010 9:03 AM
>> To:
>> Subject: [TowerTalk] Which feedline to use
>> I am putting the tower back up and need new feedline as well as rotor
> cable.
>> I have never used (or seen for that matter) LMR-400 , how flexible is it ?
> the
>> tower is a UST TX-472 crankup , is it suitable for crankups ?
>> Dan N8DCJ
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