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[TowerTalk] Fwd: RE: Force12 C19XR

Subject: [TowerTalk] Fwd: RE: Force12 C19XR
From: Neil & Heather <>
Reply-to: "Tower and HF antenna construction topics." <>
Date: Sat, 24 Apr 2010 17:42:54 -0400
List-post: <">>

"Verify you are attaching to the longer 20 meter driver and not the 15 meter driver"
Natan, my manual states to hook the balun to the 10m driver....
then run the parallel driver wires from the 10mtr driver feedpoints to the 20m feedpoints...
Does it matter???

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: RE: [TowerTalk] Force12 C19XR
Date: Sat, 24 Apr 2010 11:04:29 -0400
From: Natan Huffman <>
To: 'Neil & Heather' <>

Hi Neil,

The attachment may help but I'm sure I can talk you through the process.
Trim the length of the balun per the manual.  Of course if you don't use the
F12 balun, there's no way of knowing the needed length.  At the end of each
wire, solder a lug in place and attach the two wires with lugs to the center
of the driven element, one wire to one side and one wire to the other side.
Verify you are attaching to the longer 20 meter driver and not the 15 meter
driver.  There should be a jumper between the two halves of the 15 meter
driver making the 15 driver a contiguous entity.

To attach the lugs place a flat washer followed by a lock washer followed by
the nut.  Do the same for the other side.  Unless you are going to stack
your C19XR with another one, it makes no difference what is the position of
the wires.  By position I refer to the two colors of the balun lead.

As far as the DX balun, I don't know nor does anyone else know unless you
have a specification sheet.  You need a 1 to 1 current balun for this
application.  The problem encountered with another balun is the lead length
as the balun lead length becomes part of the 20 meter driver.  If you are
absolutely sure the DX balun is a current balun, just try it and adjust the
length of the leads until you get minimum VSWR with the antenna in place.
Don't try to get a meaningful VSWR by standing the C19XR on end or by
putting it on saw horses because you just are too close to ground to prevent
coupling between the elements and ground.  If you can, use the F12 balun and
you should not have to worry about anything, just be sure the leads length
complies with the manual.

Good luck and have fun too.


Natan W6XR
Freeville, NY

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