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[TowerTalk] Fwd: Re: Force12 C19XR

Subject: [TowerTalk] Fwd: Re: Force12 C19XR
From: Neil & Heather <>
Reply-to: "Tower and HF antenna construction topics." <>
Date: Sat, 24 Apr 2010 12:39:55 -0400
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-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Re: [TowerTalk] Force12 C19XR
Date: Sat, 24 Apr 2010 12:37:51 -0400
From: Neil & Heather <>
To: Natan Huffman <>

Thank you Natan,

That was exactly what I was looking for....interesting that the.gif is
exactly the same as the picture in the back of my manual..except for the
"feed" details.(my drawing is rev.dwc19xr002, 1998)

So, the 12" x 3/4" grey pvc tube with the black and white wires
on one end ,and so-239 on other must be the Force12 "balun"..??
It would seem obvious, but with no pictures, It would still be a guess
on my part.
Other than a continuity test(tested ok),no other way to check this
balun, is there?
OK on the DX engineering is a Maxi-core current balun...
left over from another project..
part # BAL050-H10-AT  (if you need to look it up on DX's website.)
I agree, it looks like the issue would be getting a short enough wire
and possible interaction with the balun's metal case.
Again, thanks for info...big help....

On 4/24/2010 11:04 AM, Natan Huffman wrote:
> Hi Neil,
> The attachment may help but I'm sure I can talk you through the process.
> Trim the length of the balun per the manual.  Of course if you don't use the
> F12 balun, there's no way of knowing the needed length.  At the end of each
> wire, solder a lug in place and attach the two wires with lugs to the center
> of the driven element, one wire to one side and one wire to the other side.
> Verify you are attaching to the longer 20 meter driver and not the 15 meter
> driver.  There should be a jumper between the two halves of the 15 meter
> driver making the 15 driver a contiguous entity.
> To attach the lugs place a flat washer followed by a lock washer followed by
> the nut.  Do the same for the other side.  Unless you are going to stack
> your C19XR with another one, it makes no difference what is the position of
> the wires.  By position I refer to the two colors of the balun lead.
> As far as the DX balun, I don't know nor does anyone else know unless you
> have a specification sheet.  You need a 1 to 1 current balun for this
> application.  The problem encountered with another balun is the lead length
> as the balun lead length becomes part of the 20 meter driver.  If you are
> absolutely sure the DX balun is a current balun, just try it and adjust the
> length of the leads until you get minimum VSWR with the antenna in place.
> Don't try to get a meaningful VSWR by standing the C19XR on end or by
> putting it on saw horses because you just are too close to ground to prevent
> coupling between the elements and ground.  If you can, use the F12 balun and
> you should not have to worry about anything, just be sure the leads length
> complies with the manual.
> Good luck and have fun too.
> 73
> Natan W6XR
> Freeville, NY

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