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Re: [TowerTalk] 6061 vs 6063

Subject: Re: [TowerTalk] 6061 vs 6063
From: "Roger (K8RI)" <>
Date: Tue, 24 Mar 2009 17:03:08 -0400
List-post: <">>
jim Jarvis wrote:
> Dave,
> I haven't looked in a materials handbook to see the spec, so I'm only
> repeating what Bethlehem Aluminum and Wikipedia said.   But I think you
> misread my comment.
> 6061 will spring.... it can be bent and NOT take a set.    Up to the  
> point of breaking.
6061 is much harder than 6063. It's what we use for aircraft skin, 
cowls, wheel pants... etc.  so 6061 can be bent, it can be shaped into 
rather complex shapes using an English Wheel, as well as panishing to 
stretch or shrink the material. OTOH not all 6061 is created equal. It 
comes in a wide variety of hardness.  I think that may be where at least 
some of the confusion over 6061 comes from. As was mentioned earlier in 
this thread, 6061-T6 can be bent and formed into complex shapes.

There are several sites on the web devoted to metal working. and  are two I 
know of.
> 6063, on the other hand, can be bent into a curved shape and stay there.
6061 can be bent, be it tube or sheet, but it takes more care (and work) 
to do so than with 6063.
> If you use a bending brake to bend 6061, it's likely to fracture or  
> surface distort,
6061 can be bent to 90 degrees using a brake, BUT there are 
limitations.The radius of the bend needs to be at least 1.5 times the 
thickness and it depends on the hardness of the particular sheet.
> rk it as well as you can 6063.
> One argument in favor of 6063 may be that being less brittle, it may  
> withstand
> vibration better, over time.

I think you will find the softer alloys will work harden quicker than 
those that are springy.


Roger (K8RI)
> Perhaps I'm wrong.   Check with the Alcoa Aluminum spec sheets, which  
> can be
> linked to from Wikipedia.
> Jim
> On Mar 24, 2009, at 1:37 PM, Dave Johnson wrote:
>> Sorry Jim but who ever told you this is full of it.  6061-T6 is a  
>> alloy that is designed to be bent a long way and not take a set.   
>> It will not crack or orange peel.
>> Dave - K4SSU
>> ----- Original Message ----- From: "jim Jarvis"  
>> <>
>> To: <>
>> Sent: Tuesday, March 24, 2009 10:40 AM
>> Subject: Re: [TowerTalk] 6061 vs 6063
>>> I verified with the Al tube vendor the 6061/6063 question.
>>> They're both the same price.
>>> 6061 is stronger.   but if you need to put a bend in the material,
>>> 6063 is what you want.
>>> 6061 will crack or orange peel if you try to bend it.   6063 will  
>>> not.
>>> N2EA
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