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Re: [TowerTalk] 12-14-2008 update on Palmdale ham radio ban

Subject: Re: [TowerTalk] 12-14-2008 update on Palmdale ham radio ban
From: Richards <>
Date: Tue, 16 Dec 2008 17:11:24 -0500
List-post: <">>

It is NOT a democracy -- we have a representative republic - and
as a long time student of Constitutional Law and political history,
I can safely say the Founding Fathers did not intend it to be a
democracy - we elect Representatives who are supposed to
patronizingly handle government for us,  originally intended as
a limited minimalist government and not the huge Leviathan we
now have,  and not everyone was supposed to be entitled to
vote to select the Representatives, either

Elected officials respond to many sources of influence, but not
always to those who elected them.   Usually the squeaky wheel
gets the grease and he how bitches loudest is usually the
wheel first greased.    I voted for several political officials, and
NONE of them are responsive to me.

None of this is, however, helping us build better towers and
should be stricken.    None of the messages on this topic
are sufficiently enlightening and factually based or fully informed
to be of any serious use.   We can flap our gums about our
rights all we want, but nothing said here will have ANY impact
in Palmdale whatsoever.

I abhor speculation and that is all we are doing here.  Let's
not speculate, and move on to another topic we might actually
be informed about.

Just MY take.  ==========  K8JHR  ================

Dennis OConnor wrote:

Elected officials respond to those who elected them - it is
called the democratic system of government..
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