Ok guys, new project time.
Rohn 25 3-10 foot stalks with a 9 foot top section.
base is a concrete driveway. Next to 2 story house.
Antenna is a TA-53 14' long at 55 pounds.
Rotor is a Yaseu 450. (thinking too small)
1. Should I attach to house or guy?
2. What is un-guyed height for 25?
3. Base plate Hilti bolted into driveway or cut driveway and dig hole.
4. Don't want 2 inch copper strap running across driveway. Alternate ground
ideas please.
The big question is grounding. If this was in a field I know what to do, but
since I'll be in the middle of a
driveway it's a tad different setup.
It would be nice with no guys, but also the same bolted to the driveway instead
of a 2x2 hole in it.
Thanks in advance.
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