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Re: [TowerTalk] guy levels ?

To: "Don Moman VE6JY" <>, <>
Subject: Re: [TowerTalk] guy levels ?
From: Hardy Landskov <>
Date: Wed, 22 Aug 2007 08:05:06
List-post: <>
Also much easier to tram the antennas up and down when the last guy wire is
5 or 10 feet down.
73 Hardy N7RT

At 03:10 AM 8/22/2007 -0000, Don Moman VE6JY wrote:
>Unless the tower was heavily loaded and therefore required it, I would
>never put the guy at the very top. It is MUCH easier to work around the
>top of the tower if the guy is 5 feet down.  
>73 Don
>...If you are only using the top of your tower, I would place the 
>guys at 30', 60' and 90'.
>John KK9A
>I was under the impression that one shouldn't guy a tower at regular
>spacings, because the wind can excite standing vibrational modes in the
>tower that can lead to failure. In such modes, the vibrational standing
>wave nodes would be at the guy anchor points. I thought non-integer
>spacing of guy wires was recommended to eliminate this possibility. Am I
>wrong about this?
>Jim W8ZR
>TowerTalk mailing list

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