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Re: [TowerTalk] tower at airport

To: "rca" <>, <>
Subject: Re: [TowerTalk] tower at airport
From: "K8RI on TowerTalk" <>
Date: Sat, 20 Jan 2007 18:08:02 -0500
List-post: <>

>I want to put up a 60 foot tower at 32:47:30.797 N, 98:03:28.370.  This is 
>1800 feet northeast of runway >13/31 at the Mineral Wells, Texas airport 
>(KMWL).  The airport manager, K5MWL, told me that where I >am located 
>anything up to 75 feet in height would be 'no problem'.  I am concerned 
>about the FCC rule about >1 foot of height for every 100 feet from the 
>airport.  I don't want to invest time and money into the installation >only 
>to have the FAA/FCC tell me later that I am in violation.

Part 17 is pretty clear. It's not complete in that is doesn't even mention 
clear zones and alignment with runways.
or the exemptions to go a given distance above the top of a house and 
surrounding trees.

>  The way I read the FCC rule in Part 17 (17.6) of 47 CFR, I need to notify 
> the FAA and possibly get a >waiver from them to present to the FCC.  I 
> don't fully understand all this. Can anyone tell me what I need to >do?

Some one already gave a link to the form and although it's a PITA it's also 
a good CYA.
I'd simply call the FAA for your area and ask if you need to send in a 
Call the number for your area, (Southern Region, Texas) If you give them a 
description of the proposed installation and the surroundings such as trees 
and buildings they will either instruct you to send in the form or say 
forget it.

I'm on the centerline for 06/24  for our airport but far enough out 130 foot 
antennas are not a problem

We have a number, or I should say a lot of towers that would not pass the 
100:1 in our area but they don't even stick above the trees.

Some years back I was on final for 36 and discovered they were building a 
new subdivision right across the express way and directly in line with the 
runway. There was a tall tower with a TV antenna being installed right in 
front of me.  I think the guy installing the antenna got a bit excited as I 
passed directly over him.  (There was a lot of arm waving going on.)  That 
one was way above the tops of the trees, or would have been. Tower and 
antenna were gone the next day.

That was one of those expensive subdivisions that built off the end of a 
runway and then complained about the noise. 


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