> Well here is a new wrinkle for the brain trust. I have a consisent problem
> with large sea birds ( OSPREYs ) sitting on the highest antenna on my tower
> at night. The tower is cranked down to roughly 30ft at night but it is
> still one of the tallest perches around in this flat, waterfront
> neighborhood. All the sailboat masts are taken by other birds so ERNIE has
> decided to perch and POOP on mine. On Friday he decided to land on a lower
> antenna and bent the reflector on my 5 ele 6 meter beam. I fixed that today
> and placed a large brown OWL up there in the process. No birds today, but
> ERNIE is back tonight discussing flood insurance premiums with the owl. The
> owl has had no effect in scaring off the Osprey. So here in lies the
> quesiton: what if anything, short of a revolver, is effective in keeping sea
> birds such as the large poop laiden Ospreys off a tower? Serious responses
> please...thanks. - Mike
Are all of the beams on a mast that is on a rotator?
Do I correctly presume that he takes off when the
rotator is activated?
How about a random timer connected to your rotator
control that momentarily activates it from time to
Thanks! & 73, doc kd4e
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