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Re: Topband: HEBA antenna

Subject: Re: Topband: HEBA antenna
From: Jim Brown <>
Date: Sat, 20 Apr 2024 13:19:32 -0700
List-post: <>
On 4/20/2024 9:18 AM, Joe Subich, W4TV wrote:
Similarly, to the AM broadcaster, "Broadband" simply means sufficient
bandwidth to keep the transmitter happy and avoid distortion of an
IBOC digital signal.  That is far more narrow than even a "50 KHz
under 1.5:1" for amateurs on 160.
Great points, Joe. I grew up a mile or two from a 5kW DA-N on 930 kHz, 
and as a college student worked at the station. One summer, I helped the 
chief engineer silver-solder new radials to new ground screens for the 
4-tower array. The bandwidth issue jumped out at me as I drove through 
one of their nulls -- where the carrier cancelled, the sidebands didn't.
73, Jim K9YC

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