I wrote the quoted message a week ago.
In yesterday's snail mail I received a disjointed letter from an individual
quoting my post and ranting about my use of FT8, of which he seems to be a fan.
Apparently, he is stalking me and keeping up with my DXing activities. I
guess that he's upset that I work lots of DXpeditions using FT8 while at once, I
express some personal distaste for using it. Little does he know that a couple
of DX clubs that I am a member of, have bragging rights "competitions", to see
who can work particular expeditions on the most slots. So I use the mode for
that. Otherwise I have no use for it.
Sorry to trouble the list with this, but this guy went to lengths to hide who
and where he is. Maybe this message will cause him to seek help.
Wes N7WS
On 10/17/2023 12:00 PM, Wes wrote:
MY TB antenna has been down for the summer. Using the KAT500 tuner and
manually finding an approximate match using the utility program I was able to
put a couple of hundred watts into the 80 M vertical and work W8S on (yuck)
FT8 on 10/13. I got the TB antenna back on the air, but then they never
showed again when I was on. I did manage to work them on 23 other slots.
Wes N7WS
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