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Re: Topband: The "new" Topband

Subject: Re: Topband: The "new" Topband
From: K9FD <>
Date: Wed, 28 Sep 2022 10:50:23 -0500
List-post: <>
During my 22 years living on Molokai I was very active on 630,
first with experimental license, then with ham when it opened.

worked VK, ZL, JA, All of USA, South America, ZF, KL7, VE etc etc, received reports
from many others including Europe.  All with 1 watt into the antenna.
I moved back to K9 land Jan 2022,
I used my 160m Inv L with a large variometer at the base to tune it,
had 120 -  350 ft radials and 120 - 60 ft radials so no lack of ground,
about a mile or so from ocean on 3 sides.  Former 50kw KAIM BC station location
about a mile from the old Loran installation on Ilio point.
yes tried 630.
73Merv K9FD

Have any of you attempted to get on the 630 meter band?

As a US Coast Guard radioman in the 1970s, 500 kHz was the worldwide
maritime CW calling frequency; almost all night-time traffic occurred
on 600 meters. While stationed at Coast Guard Radio Honolulu (NMO),
I'd copy stations Pacific-wide -- from Alaska to Australia, from the
US west coast to Asia. Just incredible coverage sunset to sunrise.

(Daytime traffic shifted to the 6, 8, 12, 16, 22 and 26 MHz maritime bands.)

Jeff KH6O

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