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Re: Topband: RFI powerline ?

To: Karel Matousek <>, Andree DL8LAS <>, "" <>
Subject: Re: Topband: RFI powerline ?
From: David Olean <>
Date: Tue, 11 Jan 2022 09:25:04 -0500
List-post: <>
Hello Andy,

It looks like some form of man made QRM, and not power line noise. I am very familiar with powerline noise, but our noise is at 120 Hz and yours will be at 100 Hz, 60 vs 50 Hz) so it should sound a lower pitch than what I am used to, but the waterfall display shows those evenly spaced groups of noise and that does not look like power line noise.
Dave K1WHS

On 1/11/2022 4:37 AM, Karel Matousek wrote:
Hi Andy.

I do have the same noises problem over here as you have.

I found that it isn’t a 110 KV powerline noise, but probably a broadband noise is coming from the direction 10 ° here in JO60OK. It's very annoying. On the 800 meters US beverage (300°) the noise is S4, but on my second stateside 4 EL bidirectional (330°/150°) broadside K9AY array 84 meters apart uses the 0° hybrid combiners it is very strong. It interrupts all night. At first, I thought it was a local noise made by switching power supply. I’m so sorry, but I do not have the beverage pointing directly to the north. During the day, the band is clean, without noise, but when getting dark, the noise begins to be heard and after midnight it is then very strong.

Karel OK1CF
Od: "Andree DL8LAS via Topband" <>
Komu: "" <>
Datum: 11.01.2022 09:21
Předmět: Topband: RFI powerline ?

Hey gentlemen,
I have a powerline 110KV nearby my beverages....this is the sound in AM, not strong but  also not good.Is this RFI normal from the line  or is this  an insulator or another problem?Here you can see a short video and hear the signal  from today. <>
73 Andy DL8LAS
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