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Re: Topband: Adding 80 m to 160 m quarterwave vertical

To: Lloyd - N9LB <>, "'Topband'" <>
Subject: Re: Topband: Adding 80 m to 160 m quarterwave vertical
From: "Richard (Rick) Karlquist" <>
Date: Mon, 5 Apr 2021 21:47:56 -0700
List-post: <>

On 4/5/2021 8:48 PM, Lloyd - N9LB wrote:
Why not remove the 80m wire and simply run the entire 30m tall mast (with 
additional top hat) on 80m as a half-wave vertical?
A "legal Limit" antenna tuner should handle it, or build your own 80m antenna 
matching unit.

I did exactly what you describe with my 27m (90 ft) mast.
It apparently worked fine (I didn't have another antenna
to compare it to.)  I built a homebrew tuner.
I don't know of a commercial one that could handle the
high voltages.  I later decided this was too much
trouble and installed a relay at the 60 foot level that
allowed it to run as a conventional vertical on 80 when
the relay was open.

Rick N6RK
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