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Re: Topband: OT - LG Dryer RFI

Subject: Re: Topband: OT - LG Dryer RFI
From: Bill Cromwell <>
Date: Sat, 21 Nov 2020 20:13:02 -0500
List-post: <>
Hi Bob,

Well I'm getting old so laundry is already a daytime chore. With just the two of us here and the covid out there laundry is less demanding. I just have to keep us in clean pajamas.
I was prepared to go into the new machines to install any needed 
partsvbut mine are behaving without that effort. Big signs on them say 
Made in the USA so maybe they already have the parts installed. I 
suppose I did pay a little more for them.
There are microcontrollers in just about everything these days - even 
toasters and coffee pots. We have to learn how to live with them whether 
we want to or not.

Bill  KU8H

bark less - wag more

On 11/21/20 4:21 PM, Robert Urban wrote:
Just discovered today, our new LG dryer wipes out the 160m band.
Washing clothes will have to be a daytime activity here.

On Sat, Nov 21, 2020 at 1:42 PM Bill Cromwell < <>> wrote:
    I have a large selection of tools and many decades of experience
    wielding them. Some of my habits and attitudes I learned in the Navy
    I assure that *nothing* is sailor-proof:)


    Bill  KU8H

    bark less - wag more

    On 11/21/20 1:39 PM, Hugh Valentine wrote:
     > Beware!  A non Ham, Ham Widow, invented the electronics on the
     > There are designed to aggravate the low bands….specifically.
     > Only two things can be done to cure the issue:
     >  1. Beg for forgiveness and take the YL or XYL to the Jewelery (
    this is
     >     only a Temporary cure).
     >  2. Operate the machine yourself (it can sense) and commit to do
    all the
     >     Laundry in your house for 5 years or until you get out of Ham
     >     Radio.  There is a sensor that is infallible and can tell
    when the
     >     Ham Licensed operator is at least 3 weeks ahead of the
    QRN/RFI curve.
     > Proceed accordingly….
     > The patented algorithm crosses all makes and models and there is no
     > bypass….There is no escape.
     > Val
     > N4RJ
     > Sent from Mail <> for
     > Windows 10
     > *From: *Bill Cromwell <
     > *Sent: *Saturday, November 21, 2020 11:19 AM
     > *To: * <>
    < <>>
     > *Subject: *Re: Topband: OT - LG Dryer RFI
     > Hi Joe,
     > Have you tried to do anything about the dryer? Filters? I was
     > my clothes dryer and washing machine might do that but they
     > don't. My poor dear wife cannot grasp operating the touch
    controls for
     > the microcontrollers in those machines. They are not LG. They are
     > Maytag. Maybe I am just looking  in the wrong places for the hash:) I
     > mostly use 80, 40, and 30 meters with some 160 and 17 meters in
    the mix.
     > I have had occasion to tame some switch mode power supplies in
     > here. It can be done.
     > 73,
     > Bill  KU8H
     > bark less - wag more
     > On 11/21/20 10:39 AM, Joe Galicic wrote:
     >  > Steve,
     >  >
     >  > I have a LG DLE-7300WE clothes dryer that makes RFI when it's
     > running. I have not checked on every band but I know it makes
    noise on
     > 40 meters.  My noise level rises an S unit or so with RF hash
    when it's
     > running.
     >  >
     >  > Joe
     >  > N3HEE
     >  >
     >  >
     >  >> On 11/20/2020 5:12 PM Steve Lawrence via Topband
     > < <>> wrote:
     >  >>
     >  >>
     >  >> Please excuse the OT. Anyone using an LG DLG7301 Clothes
    Dryer? Any
     > RFI detected 160-6m?
     >  >>
     >  >> Please reply off list only.
     >  >>
     >  >> TU & 73 - Steve WB6RSE
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