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Topband: XR0ZRC?

To: Topband Reflector <>
Subject: Topband: XR0ZRC?
From: David Olean <>
Date: Tue, 26 Mar 2019 14:00:16 +0000
List-post: <>
I am a bit puzzled by XR0ZRC.  I thought they were going to have a major effort on 80 and 160, but so far I have heard from little to none from them on 160. (I am not on 80 M) Last night, 26th UTC, I did hear them but their signal was quite weak and the heavy QRN was making copy almost impossible. I think this was the first time I heard them.  It was hard for me to copy much of anything between static crashes.  On other days, I saw many spots from hams showing that they are on 160M but I hear nil and a check on the Reverse Beacon Network shows no spots for them. (?)  (Pirates?) Last night, a few stations mentioned that XR0ZRC was loud in the SE. VA2WA, who is a couple hundred miles north of me, said something like "booming " to describe their signal last night. Not sure of the strength required for "booming", but it must be similar to "wall to wall, and treetop tall".  At my shack I could not tell who they were working between  the static crashes! I copied fragments between crashes. I know my receiving setup is working. Just a few hours later near my sunrise I worked VK6 and JA from here in Maine.
I have read a few notes on DX sites (many days old) explaining that they 
are plagued by high noise levels and have poor internet accessibility. I 
understand that, but I am still concerned that I almost never hear them 
QRV on 160. Maybe it is just my turn to be in the barrel? I just wonder 
what is going on. I am curious. I hope no one takes this as a complaint 
about a DXpedition. It is not.
My task for the day is to lay out another RX wire for 140 degrees and 
Bouvet! Unfortunately, all of my wooden stakes with insulators attached 
to them are stored in a shed and the ice around it is so thick, deep, 
and hard, that I cannot get to them!

Dave K1WHS

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