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Re: Topband: : V84SAA

To: Wes <>
Subject: Re: Topband: : V84SAA
From: Larry via Topband <>
Reply-to: Larry <>
Date: Sun, 10 Feb 2019 11:19:03 -0700
List-post: <>
Hi Wes, 

They have been very loud around 1300z, my usual potty stop. Worked them a few 
days ago on the first call and again this morning using the W7NQ club call. I 
only hear a few west coast stations calling them and the USA stations are 
having trouble hearing. They came back to a Calif station three times before 
the N6 answered. Pretty strange.

Went up the band and called CQ with no JA answer and no RBN spot. I found that 
very strange.

Just goes to prove the understanding of low bands by Jeff and Krassey. They had 
the same great signal on the Spratley operation also. My complements to Jeff 
for his great 160 meter efforts. Must be discouraging to call CQ for hours at a 
time with no answers and just listen to noise. THANKS JEFF!
Larry/ n7dd

Sent by Larry

On Feb 10, 2019, at 5:56 AM, Wes <> wrote:

I first worked them on 160 on 2/8 @1201Z.  Very marginal so tried again with a 
sure QSO @1222Z. Went to 80 and worked them @1404Z.  This one didn't show when 
it should have in Clublog, so worked them again on 2/9 @1134Z.  I went to 40 
and worked them @1154Z.  Again, not sure they got "WS", maybe "WH" so I just 
worked them again @1222Z.  Listened on 160 and hear CQ and spotted them first 
@1229Z.  As I write this ~1250Z, they are 579.

Of course, none of this should be happening because I'm using an 55-foot 
inverted-L with 20 radials for TX and RX on 160 and a 45-foot high inverted-vee 
on 80 and 40 and everyone know these won't work:-)

Wes  N7WS

> On 2/9/2019 11:20 AM, cqtestk4xs--- via Topband wrote:
> Antenna here is a bent wire vertical with 60 radials and an SAL-30.
> As expected they were coming in from due west anywhere from 549-579 an hour 
> before my sunrise  until a little after my sunrise.  I called and called for 
> an hour with no contact, while they were working mostly EU and some Asia.
> Bill KH7XS
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