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Topband: Power / Control cable

Subject: Topband: Power / Control cable
From: Eric NO3M <>
Date: Mon, 16 Jul 2018 11:36:31 -0400
List-post: <>
I'm in the process of finding a replacement cable to supply power (+24VDC) and differential serial signaling (RS-485) to my remote RX switching matrix and vertical arrays.  Total run is about 600ft. The original cable was outdoor rated, gel infused CAT5 using 3-cond for VDC+, 3-cond for VDC-, and the remaining two cond for serial. It lasted almost 7 years.
Recent searches for a reasonably priced replacement CAT5 have brought up 
a lot of candidates, but with CCA (copper clad aluminum) conductors.  
I'd prefer pure copper as far as the power lines are concerned, but 
price increases dramatically.
Any recommendations on a suitable and decently priced cable to do the 
job, supplier?  Perhaps parallel runs of 18/2 or 16/2, 18/4 or 16/4, or 
a good deal for CAT5 with pure copper?
73 Eric NO3M

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