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Re: Topband: low inv-vee

To: topband <>
Subject: Re: Topband: low inv-vee
From: Steve Maki <>
Date: Wed, 28 Mar 2018 21:03:38 -0400
List-post: <>
Interesting. Some say that on 160 vertical polarization rules, while on 80, horizontal polarization rules (or at least *often* rules). Of course polarization and angle of arrival are two different things...
-Steve K8LX

On 03/28/18 17:23 PM, Roger Kennedy wrote:

Well I've said it before and I'll doubtless say it again . . .

In my experience, most DX propagation on 160m ISN'T low angle  (unlike 80m
when it nearly always IS.)

For the past 45 years, at several different QTHs I've always used a
horizontal co-ax fed halfwave dipole, only 50ft high . . . I'm sure most
people would agree I put a respectable DX signal.  I've regularly worked all
over the world on Top band, and I've never had trouble getting through
pile-ups to work Dx-peditions.

Plus a dipole at 40 feet will never really be an inverted vee ! (just a
horizontal antenna with drooping ends) - You'd have to have the centre at
least 100ft high for it to be an inverted vee.

Roger G3YRO
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