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Re: Topband: New user, some advice needed.

Subject: Re: Topband: New user, some advice needed.
From: W0MU Mike Fatchett <>
Date: Mon, 19 Dec 2016 10:56:53 -0700
List-post: <">>
160 and 80 will be difficult. Can you get another vertical up about 60 feet? You can top load that with a trap for 80 and have "t" wires at the top that also act as guy wires. You can also bottom load for 160 and maybe that will be good enough for you. Radials whatever you can do will help.
An Inverted L with about 50ft of vertical will work ok....If you can 
keep the horizontal end up in the air  around the same height or more.  
It doesn't sound like you have any tall trees to work with.
For receiving I have been very impressed with a K9AP loop.  25 ft up and 
about 15 feet out at the corners.  It does not take up much space and 
you can reverse the direction easily with a relay.  A flag or pennant 
will work too.  You can never have enough rcv or xmit antenna!  HI!
Welcome to the club!


On 12/19/2016 6:49 AM, Petronel Postolache wrote:

I got my first ham license 2 years ago, and because I couldn't install an
antenna at home, I've worked mostly portable (SOTA, WWFF activations).

In February 2016 participated on CQ 160 SSB from YR8E and got the
"contesting virus". So, I've started to built a QTH at my parents home,
about 1 hour drive from where I live.

The location is about 30x40m (100x130 feet) in a small town. The plans is
something like this :

So far I've build a small tower 12m (40') with a triband yagi for 20/15/10m
For 40m band I have a 1/4 vertical with 4 elevated radial.

With not so much space, not sure what I can build for 80m and especially
for 160m.
- Inverted L, 20m Al telescoing pipe + 20m slopping wire ?
- Vertical Al telescoping pipe 27m and some coil matching at the base ?
The problem is that a big part of the area is vineyard or other infield.
Can't install 30-60 radials, probably can install some elevated radials or
FCP. What other options I have?

For receiving I'm thinking for a vertical loop/flag, or even a vertical
Waller Flag.

Thank you in advance.

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