Some discussion of WD-1A on Google claims the impedance is 170 ohms and
other claim 70 ohms. I have 1/2 mile on a spool that I will measure
with a bridge and several resistors to see what is the nearest.
On 10/10/2016 12:38 PM, Herbert Schoenbohm wrote:
The impedance of WD-1A is supposed to be around 70 ohms as most
telephone wire is. The DXE boxes are designed for 450 ohms so these
boxes are probably not the best choice for
WD1A. DXE does now have the boxes for WD-1 at a reasonable price but
without the switching which will require two RG-6 feed-lines. I prefer
this anyway because in my case with the DXE 450 boxes the switching DC
voltage seems to attract a zillion ants which somehow got into the box
and their excrement destroyed the PC board inside. I still use both
the WD-1A boxes and the DXE boxes for their respective antenna cable
which are easily modified (even though DXE will not share the
schematic...a bummer). I found the design on line anyway before it
was made proprietary. It is simple to make your own schematic because
it is not that complicated. In short taking the relay feature out on
the DXE boxes and using equal length of 1/2 wave RG-6U the needed
terminations is provided at my shack with a passive 12 channel
Panasonic TV video feature that terminates all the Beverage feed-lines
that aren't in use. These passive video switchers are very inexpensive
on eBay and normally require only F connector to PL-259 adapters or in
my case the one I am using has BNC connectors which makes it easier to
remove the Beveridge feed lines as is needed.
Herb Schoenbohm, KV4FZ
On 10/10/2016 11:48 AM, Jim Cary wrote:
I use a DXE reversible beverage system using 450 ohm ladder line
which runs along a fence line between a few friendly neighbors.
However, a couple have commented that “that big wire really sticks
out, especially in the winter,” so I am looking to replace the ladder
line with something less conspicuous but still strong, and WD-1
strikes me as a great candidate.
Does anyone know what the impedance of WD-1 is, and has anyone used
it in this fashion?
Any comments would be greatly appreciated to
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