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Re: Topband: QRP

To: Art Snapper <>, 160 <>
Subject: Re: Topband: QRP
From: "Richard (Rick) Karlquist" <>
Date: Tue, 15 Dec 2015 12:47:10 -0800
List-post: <">>
On 12/14/2015 8:26 PM, Art Snapper wrote:
Has anyone achieved DXCC on 160 meters using QRP?

The thing about QRP is that the guy on the other
end of the QSO from the station receiving the
award does the heavy lifting.  A more impressive
achievement would be to work QRP stations in
100 countries.  (A sort of "reverse QRP").
Even more impressive would be 2 way QRP.
There is also the un level playing field depending
on where you are in the world because of the
non-uniform distribution of "entities", so
the significance of DXCC (regardless of power
level) varies a lot.

Rick N6RK
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