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Re: Topband: K1N 5000q's on 160

To: "Eugene Popov /RA0FF/" <>, <>
Subject: Re: Topband: K1N 5000q's on 160
From: "Milt -- N5IA" <>
Date: Sun, 15 Feb 2015 20:42:34 -0700
List-post: <">>

I sympathize with you.  But location is everything; as we all know.

What you really need is a most rare DX entity in YOUR backyard.

Hmmm!!!!!   There is one!!!!   P5.

When North Korea comes on the air on 160 M you and your buds will be some of the first in the log.
It will be the boys in New England, the southern half of South America and 
the southern half of Africa
who will be lamenting the low percentage of Qs with their parts of the 
Thanks for the Qs.  Always a good signal here from your fine station.

73 de Milt, N5IA, and also operator of N7GP

-----Original Message----- From: Eugene Popov /RA0FF/
Sent: Sunday, February 15, 2015 7:53 PM
Subject: Re: Topband: K1N 5000q's on 160

Congratulations to everyone who now has a new country on 160m!

Unfortunately for asian HAMs from CQ- zones nr 19, 23,24 and 25 K1N activity on 160m has become one of the most unfortunate.
Zone 25 = only 22 QSOs
Zone 19 = 1 QSO (there is another QSO, which is held at 04:00UTC, it's either operator error expedition, or is someone's bad joke)
Zones 23 and 24 = 0 QSOs.
Of the total number of contacts at 160m on 19,23,24,25 zones is less than 0.48%.
My friend said that we now have to live another 22 years longer and wait for 
the next expedition to Navassa! Hi-hi-hi -:))

73! de Eugene RA0FF

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