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Re: Topband: K1N 5000q's on 160

To: "DF3CB" <>, "TopBand List" <>
Subject: Re: Topband: K1N 5000q's on 160
From: "Dick Grolleman" <>
Date: Sun, 15 Feb 2015 12:30:26 +0100
List-post: <">>
HI Bernd, and all

This looks nice but you forgot a few.

TX3A  Chesterfield  3425 QSOs 2 man team from Nov 3 till Nov 30 2009
VK9GMW Mellish Reef over 2000 QSOs 2 man team from March 28 till April 13 2009
Both were done by AA7JV, George anad HA7RY, Tomi

73 de Dick PA3FQA

-----Oorspronkelijk bericht----- From: DF3CB
Sent: Sunday, February 15, 2015 10:39 AM
To: TopBand List
Subject: Re: Topband: K1N 5000q's on 160

OH2BU has compiled the Mega DXpeditions Honor Roll and I have put it into a
database and designed the web site. We have collected data of 221 DXpeditions with more than 30000 QSOs since 1979. The web site is ready and we are finally going to publish it within the next couple of days after the final Navassa log
upload to Club Log. It will show a lot of summaries and records, band/mode
breakdowns (as far as available), QSL card images and DXpedition operator lists.
QRX a few more days.

The list of All Time Topband DXpedition leaders for total 160 Meter QSOs is:

  DXpedition   DXCC Entity             Year Days OPs  160m-QSOs
1  5A7A         Libya                   2006   14  29  7653
2  K5D          Desecheo Island         2009   15  22  7215
3  VP6DX        Ducie Island            2008   17  13  6671
4  K1N          Navassa Island          2015   15  15  5399
5  R1MVW,R1MVC  Malyj Vysotskij I.      2005   13  17  5082
6  T32C         Eastern Kiribati        2011   32  41  4985
7  HK0NA        Malpelo Island          2012   27  20  4594
8  TS7C         Tunisia                 2009   12  25  4311
9  ZL8X         Kermadec Islands        2010   18  14  4206
10 TX5K         Clipperton Island       2013    8  24  4085
11 FT5ZM        Amsterdam and St. Paul  2014   18  14  3571
12 FP/VE7SV     St.Pierre and Miquelon  2004   11  11  3419
13 4O3T         Montenegro              2006   25  60  3375
14 J5C          Guinea-Bissau           2007   11  16  3368
15 XF4DL        Revilla Gigedo          2006   20  16  3041
16 PT0S         St.Peter and St.Paul    2012   14   4  3027
17 3B7C         Agalega and St.Brandon  2007   16  20  2750
18 N8S          Swains Island           2007   12  17  2696
19 K4M          Midway Island           2009    7  18  2638^
20 5T5DC        Mauritania              2008   16   9  2601

73 Bernd DF3CB
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