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Re: Topband: Looking for 160m narrow beam RX advice

Subject: Re: Topband: Looking for 160m narrow beam RX advice
From: Jim Brown <>
Date: Tue, 06 Jan 2015 09:39:54 -0800
List-post: <">>
On Sun,1/4/2015 10:03 AM, Lloyd Berg - N9LB wrote:
I have read and re-read the recently posted 160m RX antenna information
presented on the Top Band Reflector and am sold on building a separate low
band receive antenna system in my front yard that is away from my TX towers
in the back yard.
One caution, Lloyd. Do the arithmetic to find the distance between your 
front yard and TX antenna as a fraction of a wavelength. When you do, 
you'll find that it's not very far away from it. :)  An RX antenna may 
work there, but don't be surprised if there's interaction.
The tower holding up my SteppIR is about 200 ft from my 160M Tee 
vertical. NI6T and N6BV both suggested that I look for interaction. 
Carefully measuring distances and azimuths, I found that the tower acted 
as a reflector for the Tee, giving me a couple of dB to VK/ZL. I rigged 
two wires sloping off the tower and loaded them (one at a time) from the 
base against elevated radials. One wire to the east, one to the west. 
Modeling showed me that if I shorted the Tee Vertical, it acted as a 
reflector to shift the patterns of those sloping verticals 30-40 degrees 
to the north.
73, Jim K9YC

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