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Re: Topband: Rig Comparisons

To: "Michael St. Angelo" <>,, "'TopBand'" <>
Subject: Re: Topband: Rig Comparisons
From: "Richard (Rick) Karlquist" <>
Date: Sat, 02 Aug 2014 13:22:12 -0700
List-post: <">>
     * The 2014 ARRL Technical Innovation Award went to Warren C.
Pratt, NR0V, of Santa Cruz, California. Pratt was cited for his research
leading to the development of PureSignal, "an adaptive baseband
pre-distortion algorithm used to improve the linearity of amplifiers and
reduce intermodulation distortion products emitted by software-defined

Mike N2MS
From the little I can glean from this description, it sounds like what
Agilent has been doing in test equipment since the 1990's. At Agilent, it is only good for a 10 dB improvement and assumes a "memoryless"
amplifier.  I don't see how pre-distortion is going to work on
a high power linear that has a significant temperature and
load impedance fluctuations.

Again, this is based on the summary given, so maybe there is more
to it.

Rick N6RK
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