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Re: Topband: Grounds

To: "Mike Greenway" <K4PI@BELLSOUTH.NET>, <>
Subject: Re: Topband: Grounds
From: "Carl" <>
Date: Sat, 1 Mar 2014 19:15:22 -0500
List-post: <">>
ON4UN and others suggest 15 meters I believe. Ive used 25-30' here and it does well with 5 2 wire Beverages with their ends and antenna grounds also spaced from each other by at least 30' and a few at 150-300'.
With high attenuation common mode chokes on everything I can get away with 
RG-6 feeds tacked to trees at 6' high to the relay box and then 750' of 1/2" 
CATV hardline on the ground almost to the house. Where it has to cross the 
lawn for about 60' I added another ground rod and then elevated RG-6 into 
the house where there is another ground rod and ferrite choke. I made a 
direct buy right from Fair-Rite with my business account and met their 
minimum order

----- Original Message ----- From: "Mike Greenway" <K4PI@BELLSOUTH.NET>
To: <>
Sent: Saturday, March 01, 2014 6:44 PM
Subject: Topband: Grounds

I am building a new two wire beverage and have built many in the past that seemed to work okay but I am paying close attention to detail on this one. I have a couple of questions to start. Most all agree that the antenna xfmr ground and and the coax ground should be separate. How much distance between the two ground point is recommended for this? Also is there a problem using the same ground for both coax feeds? ON4UN recommends a common mode choke about 15 feet away from the feed point but at present I am not installing those yet.
73 Mike K4PI
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