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Re: Topband: Best coax for direct burial?

To: "Jim Garland" <>, <>
Subject: Re: Topband: Best coax for direct burial?
From: "ZR" <>
Date: Sun, 25 Aug 2013 20:07:01 -0400
List-post: <">>

You cant get any more reliable than 1/2" Andrew or similar hardline. In this area its free or very cheap and often with connectors as 2 way shops close down and customers keep migrating to cell phones.
Paging companies are also folding up.

Im sure you wont find a 700' run but 100-200' are rather common; use barrel connectors to join together and use RG-213 for jumpers at the ends. Even 7/8" cable is rather available.

----- Original Message ----- From: "Jim Garland" <>
To: <>
Sent: Sunday, August 25, 2013 11:25 AM
Subject: Topband: Best coax for direct burial?

My forthcoming 160m vertical requires about a 700 ft run of coax. I'd like
to bury the coax over most of the run, but some of it will be elevated, with high UV exposure. (I'm at 7000 ft elevation and sun shines 330 days/yr.) The
climate is very arid here (about 4-6 in rain/yr), so water ingress isn't a
major consideration.

I'd like an RG-213 type coax with a solid dielectric, rather than an LMR-400 type, or anything with a foam dielectric. The losses aren't an issue, since
this will be used exclusively on topband and 80m. I'm unclear about what
"direct burial" coax means, especially with respect to the outer jacket. Is
polyethelene to be preferred over PVC with respect to toughness and UV
resistance?  Stranded center conductor is mildly preferred but not
essential. Mostly what I'm looking for is long-term reliability. I'd
appreciate advice and suggestions, and also any recommendations about
suppliers (some of whom give very little technical info about their products
and are rather cryptic about who actually makes the coax.)

Tnx and 73,

Jim W8ZR

Topband Reflector

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