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Re: Topband: New 160M high performance receiving antenna at W3LPL

Subject: Re: Topband: New 160M high performance receiving antenna at W3LPL
From: Eric NO3M <>
Date: Mon, 04 Feb 2013 01:55:35 -0500
List-post: <">>
In case anyone is interested in constructing a switchable 8-circle based on the BSEF array, W9RE's PCB is laid out with provisions for Magic-Ts and step-up auto-transformers where applicable, also the phase inverter. I finally got my array up using Mike's board a week or so before ARRL160 and it does quite well against the broadside beverage arrays, especially useful for diversity reception.
73 - Eric NO3M

On 02/03/13 13:14, wrote:
As you noticed after writing your 0013Z email, I'm using three 75 ohm Magic-T 
combiners as suggested by W1MK.  The

From: "Lee K7TJR"<>

   A combiner with a little more complicated impedance matching would help
this problem.

Topband Reflector

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