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Re: Topband: Power Line Noise Detecting

Subject: Re: Topband: Power Line Noise Detecting
From: "Mike Greenway" <K4PI@BELLSOUTH.NET>
Date: Sun, 6 Jan 2013 10:18:08 -0500
List-post: <">>
If I didn’t say it, what it tried to say was if I hear the arc 100% this pole has a problem. The antenna on the Ultrasonic has a very very narrow pickup range and you have to move very slowly over every piece on the pole. If I don't hear the arc there could still be a problem on the pole although I have not run into this case yet. Radar Engineers makes an expensive model for the power companies
Agreed on the radio to get to the area. I use a Radio Shack Aircraft band 
with a 3 ele yagi.  73 Mike

-----Original Message----- From: Tom W8JI
Sent: Sunday, January 06, 2013 7:10 AM
Subject: Re: Topband: Power Line Noise Detecting

Good job up to the last step. After getting where I think I have the pole
with the VHF TRF receiver I use a Ultrasonic detector that was shown in QST
by W1TRC. It will enable you to 100 % verify the problem is on the pole you

That isn't actually 100% verification, or even near 100%.

Most RFI generating arcs make broadband acoustical noise, but not all of
them. No single method is ever 100%.

I would guess ultrasonic is around 80% or so, and it still takes a "radio"
to get to the pole.

Stew Perry Topband Distance Challenge coming on December 29th.
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