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Re: Topband: W5UN this morning (Tuesday 25th September) - long path into

To: Topband <>
Subject: Re: Topband: W5UN this morning (Tuesday 25th September) - long path into EI?
From: N1BUG <>
Date: Wed, 26 Sep 2012 15:36:46 -0400
List-post: <">>
On 09/25/2012 03:12 PM, Cormac Gebruers wrote:

I was up early this morning (Tuesday 25th September) and heard W5UN come up
on 160m at 0444utc. Though very weak and with deep QSB, he was by far and
away the strongest  on my K9AY when switched NE and next strongest when
switched SE. I'm in IO51, he is in EM19; direct bearing is 296 degrees
(WNW), long path is 116 degrees (SSE).

Was he really long path (33428km) or is some other propagation mechanism at
play here?

Hi Cormac,

I have four reversible Beverages giving directions every 45 degrees around the compass starting at due north 0 degrees. It is not uncommon to experience DX stations coming in at wildly different headings from direct path, even 180 degrees off. Often when this happens, the signal will be there on more than one Beverage, sometimes all of them! In almost all cases, switching to a low dipole has resulted in good reception, sometimes better than any of the Beverages. I suspect the phenomenon is caused by signals arriving at a high vertical angle, where directivity of the Beverages is questionable or non-existent. I have no experience with K9AY loops.
Paul N1BUG
UR RST IS ... ... ..9 QSB QSB - hw? BK

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