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Re: Topband: automotive relays

To: "TopBand List" <>, "W5UN" <>
Subject: Re: Topband: automotive relays
From: "Price Smith" <>
Reply-to: Price Smith <>
Date: Fri, 13 Nov 2009 22:03:48 -0600
List-post: <">>
> Does anyone here have any experience using automotive type relays for
> switching RF?  If so, at high power levels? These relays are
> Dave, W5UN

Hi Dave, Nice to see you.
I believe that there was an article in QST a bunch of years ago about using 
Auto relays for RF.
I think they used RF chokes in the coil leads.
I have been using Deltrol Control Relays:  #100RF =  DPDT 10 Amp 12 volt DC, 
For years. Never a problem
at max power.
I bought mine from Surplus Sales of Nebraska. I think they were around 10 to 
12 bucks each. They are made
for RF applications and I believe that they were from Collins Surplus Stock.
I do know that Ken NA0Y and several others in the St. Louis Area are using 
them also with no problems.
I have a bunch of RJ1A vacuum relays to someday make the ultimate switch. 
But that would
perhaps be overkill.
Price W0RI 

160 meters is a serious band, it should be treated with respect. - TF4M

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