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Re: Topband: What do you use as a "Run" antenna?

To: <>
Subject: Re: Topband: What do you use as a "Run" antenna?
From: "K9AY" <>
Date: Wed, 28 Feb 2007 10:43:04 -0600
List-post: <>
de N5OT:
> At W8JI for the CW contest I spent probably 95% of the time Europe
> was opening listening to some directional RX antenna pointed at
> Europe...
> In contrast, when W4AN operated this contest from Tom's he would use
> a different direction in a different receiver in each ear, hoping to
> not miss people.  I am pretty sure that was less productive, ...


The last statement above depends on the operator, location, propagation and 

Here in the Midwest, I have found listening with different antennas in two 
receivers highly productive -- absolutely essential at certain times. We 
can't run Europeans all evening, so the importance of "bulk" QSO totals, DX 
or not, is paramount. A high rate early in the contest, which always 
includes stations in all directions, can partially offset the need to spend 
more time S&P for DX multipliers.

My response to weak stations is similar to guys with one receiver.  I focus 
on one radio and find the best RX antenna. However, in every contest, there 
will be a few weak stations that are only copyable with two radios feeding 
my "neural processor."

73, Gary

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