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Re: Topband: Totally Deaf

To: <>
Subject: Re: Topband: Totally Deaf
From: "Raoul Coetzee" <>
Date: Sun, 24 Sep 2006 21:14:56 +0200
List-post: <>

>This evening I was declared on the DX cluster by a leading Top Band DX'er
in the US to be "TOTALLY  D E A F."  Another in >Europe complained that I
was just CQ'ing.  I supposed they meant I was just cluttering up the band
(even though I had managed >to make seven contacts through the 20 over S9
QRN over about a 40 minute period), so I gave it up and signed off.

>  I suppose I should just quit trying to work through the ever strong
Equatorial noise on 160M and work the easy bands >instead.  It's a lot less
strain on my ears, and I don't have to stay up late to do it.

>  73,
 > Charles - S9SS

I have had the same experience. I suppose not everybody understands the
level of qrn you/me have at this time and the amazing fact that we still
manage to get a qso done, albeit with effort and persistence and not through
the cluster either! (Although the cluster a great  medium to show what the
band is doing.)
The torch of transmission and rx may not always shine on the keen dx-er
replying to your dx call and hence the 'name calling', which I suppose, is
more out of desperation than ill intend!
Sometimes a transmission is heard by a station in a quiet location( how
blessed can one be?)but the situation is not always balanced.
Please  keep up the good dx, and make the rest happy!
Best 73 all,
lets keep 160m the Gentlemen's band.
Raoul, ZS1REC

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